The Weekly Word – Easter Hope

Without hope there is little reason to get out of bed. Hope keeps us moving. Life without hope is like staring at a blank wall. Without hope we won’t start a project, begin a relationship, or take on a cause. Hope is what moves us forward and inspires us to keep going even when we face disappointments and frustrations.

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The Weekly Word – Success & Failure

This coming Sunday we begin the celebration of the last week of the earthly life of Jesus. As Christians we believe that no other week in human history is so important. Palm Sunday brings our minds back to the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem with the shouts of praise and acclaim from the crowds. From all appearances, Jesus was a success.

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The Weekly Word – Getting Unstuck

There are a lot of ways to be struck. We can be struck in traffic. We can be stuck in relationships. We can be stuck in jobs. The list goes on. And when we are stuck we may begin to feel hopeless. We may choose to do pretty much nothing. Or we can do something. It might not be what you planned to do. But if we do nothing we can be certain that nothing will change. We’ll just continue being stuck.

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The Weekly Word – Promoting Truth

Once a man had been called to be a witness during a trial. He was told to step forward and place his hand on the Bible. Then he was asked, “Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?” He replied, “If I could tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth I’d be God!”

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