Pastor Craig’s Corner

Craig WattsRev. Dr. Craig M. Watts was born in Detroit, Michigan. He attended college at the University of Michigan where he directed a campus ministry. Craig earned his Master’s of Divinity and his Master’s of Science in Human Development Counseling at Vanderbilt University. Craig earned his Doctorate of Ministry at Boston University. He was ordained as a Christian Church (DOC) minister in 1980. He served churches in Oklahoma, Illinois, and Kentucky prior to his move to Coral Springs, FL in 2000.

Preaching, teaching, and compassionate outreach are the cornerstones of Craig’s ministry. Of these, preaching is his central passion and purpose. He is dedicated to offering meaningful and useful sermons to teach and to witness. Several dozen of his sermons have been published in leading professional journals for ministers and in several resource books. Further he has had numerous essays published in religious magazines and academic journals, and he has had two books published, Disciples of Peace (Indianapolis: Doulous Christou Press, 2005) and Bowing Toward Babylon (WIPF and STOCK Publishers, 2017).

In addition to caring for the needs of his congregation, Craig endeavors to be involved in various community ministries including a number of ecumenical events throughout the year. He is a strong advocate for peace and justice. Most recently he has spent a great deal of time fighting against laws that detrimentally impact the homeless that have been put into effect in Ft Lauderdale and regularly participates in feedings that take place downtown. He has served on the board of the Disciples Peace Fellowship, the oldest denominationally related peace organization in America, for many years, and he regularly contributes to the Shalom Vision blog on their website.

The Weekly Word

It probably comes as no surprise that I’m not particularly pleased with the “Christian leaders” who get most of the media attention. In fact I’m usually either appalled or embarrassed by the sorts of things that get said by those who are most often trotted out in front of TV cameras to represent…

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