- Is the church part of a denomination?
- What does the church believe?
- How does a person become a member of the church?
- How is the church governed?
- What is worship like?
- How can I get involved?
- Can I have my child dedicated?
Is the church part of a denomination?
Royal Palm Christian Church is an autonomous congregation that is self-governed. It is one of nearly four thousand congregations associated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), a mainline Protestant denomination that began in the early 19th century. Disciples have a particular emphasis on Christian unity and freedom.
What does the church believe?
Royal Palm Christian Church is a Christ-centered church.
- Learn more about Who We Are
- Lean more about The Disciples Church
How does a person become a member of the church?
For those who are transferring from another congregation we ask only that they come forward when the invitation is offered at the end of a worship service and reaffirm their faith that “Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and Lord and Savior.”
For those who have never been a member of a church we ask that they step forward at the end of a worship service when the invitation is offered and confess faith that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and Lord and Savior, and then be baptized at a time that can be arranged by the minister.
Classes are periodically offered by the minister for those who are interested in learning more about the church and are considering membership.
How is the church governed?
The plans, program and ministries of the church are determined by a board composed of lay leaders. The board is supported by committees and ministry teams that focus on such matters as property, outreach, worship, education and compassionate outreach.
There are two services on Sunday mornings. The earlier service (8:30) is more traditional in style and music. The second service (10:45) is more contemporary, overtly joyful and casual in style. The Lord’s Supper is offered each week at both services. All who desire to participate are welcome.
How can I get involved?
There is room for everyone in the life and ministry of Royal Palm Christian Church. Volunteers for the food pantry, teachers for classes, musicians for the worship band, singers for the choir, participants for small groups are always needed. You may even like to begin a new ministry. Experience in a church is always more richly rewarding for those who actively participate in the good work. Your involvement in encouraged.
Can I have my child dedicated?
We do perform services of dedication for infants or children. However, we do not baptize infants since we baptize only believers. Contact the church for more information.