Here at Royal Palm Christian Church we rely on the support of those who volunteer their time and gifts. We are proud of the role we play in our community and in the ministries we support both far and near. We would not be able to do the work we do without the generous help of people throughout our community, especially our RPCC family.
Ongoing Opportunities
Gateway Food Pantry: Every Thursday evening from approximately 6pm to 8pm. Volunteer roles may include assisting in set-up and clean-up, coordinating collections and deliveries, sorting, marking and shelving, packing non-perishable goods, and intake processing. We ask that first time volunteers arrive at 5:00pm.
- Children’s Church (role #1): Sunday mornings during the 10:45am service. We are looking for volunteers who may be willing to lead a Sunday School course for elementary school aged youth (from a provided curriculum).
- Children’s Church (role #2): Sunday mornings during the 10:45am service. We are also looking for volunteers who may be willing to assist with Sunday School classes. Responsibilities may include helping supervise elementary school age youth, preparing and serving snacks, and facilitating games.
- Sunday School: Every Sunday morning from 9:40am to 10:30am. We are looking for volunteers who may be willing to lead both adult and youth Sunday School groups (from a provided curriculum).
Occasional Opportunities
- Church Work Days: Occasional Saturdays approximately once every 4 months. Volunteer roles may include any number of basic maintenance necessities around the church (i.e. cleaning, organizing, repairing, etc).
- Vacation Bible School: Every summer, usually around the first week in June. It truly takes a village to make VBS happen every year! Volunteer roles may include decorating and set-up, assisting with registration and processing, helping with dinner, clean-up, assisting station-leaders (with crafts, facilitating games, acting in Bible tales), and much more!
- Other Occasional Events: Occasional events like our annual Fall Fiesta, Easter Breakfast, yard sales, etc… would not be possible without the support of volunteers. Keep an eye on our Events page for more info on upcoming volunteer opportunities!
Please note:
* We recommend notifying the appropriate parties in advance of your intentions to volunteer.
** Volunteer roles that involve interaction with youth will require prior notice.
If you are interested in volunteering with Royal Palm Christian Church please fill out and submit the following form. Once we receive your information, someone from the church office will reach out to you with additional information.