⚠ Our youth groups and events are currently under contruction.⚠

If you are in middle or high school, this is the group for you! D-Unit, short for Disciples Unit, is RPCC’s youth group. All are invited to be a part of this awesome family. The D-Unit meets once a week on Wednesday nights at 7pm. In addition to their weekly meetings, the D-Unit also participates in a wide variety of activities like volunteering, beach trips, car washes, bowling, overnight lock-ins, and the annual trip to an Orlando Christian Music festival.
Wednesday Nights:
The D-Unit meets every Wednesday night at RPCC from 7pm to 8:30pm. Youth hang out, engage in discussion, play team-building exercises, and enjoy snacks like pizza and s’mores.
Other Stuff We Do:
- Rock The Universe / Night Of Joy: Every September the D-Unit travels to Orlando to participate in a Christian Music festival. The D-Unit takes part in either Rock The Universe (held at Universal Studios) or Night of Joy (held at Disney’s Magic Kingdom).
- K.R.A.S.H. (Kids Relaxing At Someone’s House) Is when the D-Unit is invited to swim, watch movies, hang out and just relax (or “crash”) together.
- Jigsaw & CYF Assembly: Are weekend conferences for high school youth that occur every fall and spring, respectively. The conferences vary in theme and focus, and take place at The Retreat at Silver Springs.
- Lock-Ins: The D-Unit periodically gets “locked in” over-night at the church. Typically, very little sleeping is actually done, but lots of fun, games, food, stories, and fellowship are shared by all!
- Beach trips, car washes, Off The Wall, volunteering, and the list goes on!
Summer Camp:
Who: Kids from kindergarten to 12th grade are invited!
When: The summer 2018 camp dates are here! Camps range in length and each camp has it’s own dates, check your specific camp for more info.
– Family Camp: Families of all ages, May 25th – 28th
– CYF Conference: Grades 9-12, June 10th – 16th
– Midway Camp: Grades 6-8, June 17th – 22nd
– High School Canoe Camp: Grades 9-12, June 24th – June 30th
– Middle School Outdoor Adventure (Canoe & Equestrian) Camp: Grades 6-8, July 22nd – 27th
– Spiritual Arts Camp: Grades 8-12, July 15th – 21st
Where: RPCC attends camp at The Retreat at Silver Springs just outside of Ocala, Florida. Camps are organized and facilitated by the Florida Disciple’s of Christ.
What: Attending camp at The Retreat is a special and meaningful experience for youth. Camps range in length, cost, age group, and even target interests. Please see The Retreat at Silver Springs‘ website for more information about summer camp.