⚠ Our youth groups and events are currently under contruction.⚠
Here at Royal Palm Christian Church we have a number of outstanding small groups. No matter what your age or interests are, the RPCC Family has a place for you!
Our youth programs at RPCC are some of our most popular ministries. We generally group youth events and interests into two age groups; The first group encompasses anyone in kindergarten through 5th grade, the second group (called D-Unit) encompasses anyone in middle through high school.
- Kidz Prayz: Our Kidz Prayz group meets once a week on Wednesday nights at 7-8pm for Christ-centered curriculum, games, and a snack. For more information please check out the Youth page here.
- Kids Choir: The perfect group for elementary school aged kids who like music. They meet on Wednesday nights from 6-7pm in the Sanctuary.
- D-Unit: Our D-Unit youth group (middle & high school) meets once a week on Wednesday nights at 7pm. They participate in guided relevant discussions and team building games. In addition to their Wednesday night meetings, the D-Unit also participates in a wide range of activities. For more information please check out the D-Unit page here.
Disciple Women & Disciple Men
Disciple Men: Guys getting together to share food and fellowship and to plan activities that support the ministries of the church. They have great discussions about faith and life at their meetings. Activities and events typically include (but are not limited to) things like the chili cook-off, church work days, barbeques, and outreach.
- Disciple Women: The women of the Royal Palm community are an active and vital part of RPCC. When they share a meal together it is interspersed with laughter, support, devotion time, and prayer. Activities and events typically include (but are not limited to) things like the ornament exchange, yard sales, hosting guest speakers, and outreach for the homeless and elderly. All women are welcome to join a Zoom Time of Devotion on the second Monday every evening at 7:00pm. Please call the church office (954-753-2383) for the zoom information.
Christian Education
For all who seek to increase biblical understanding and spiritual dedication. Our Christian education programs include (but are not limited to) weekly Bible studies, individual events, and discussion series on a wide variety of topics. For more information on these classes, please visit the Christian Education page.
Additional Groups
In addition to the groups listed above, RPCC also hosts a number of independent groups.
- Al Anon: a group for friends and families of problem drinkers find understanding and support. This group meets every Monday evening at 7:00pm in the Fellowship Hall.
- Into Action (AA): Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking problem. There are no age or education requirements. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about his or her drinking problem. We currently have three groups meeting here each week.
- Sunday evenings at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary (entrance on East side by paved parking lot).
- Monday evenings at 5:30pm in the Sanctuary (entrance on East side by paved parking lot).
- Tuesday evenings at 7:00pm in the Fellowship Hall (enter by walking up first sidewalk by gravel parking lot).