Rock, Ride, & Rejoice!
Rock The Universe is where music and theme parks combine in one awesome experience for our youth! This September the D-Unit will be traveling to Orlando, Florida to participate in a Christian Music festival called Rock The Universe, which is held at Universal Studios Orlando. Youth participants get to spend the evening enjoying concerts by popular Christian artists while surrounded by some of Florida’s most popular theme park attractions.
Mark Your Calendar:
The D-unit will be attending RTU this year on Saturday, September 8th and will return home Sunday, September 9th!
The Details…
Parents are welcome to join in on the fun if they’re interested and feeling brave, the regular trip fee will apply.
- All participants will be required to turn in a consent & release form.
- The cost this year will be $135/youth. This covers
A ticket to the event AND admission to Islands Of Adventure on Saturday
The hotel on Saturday night
A hot breakfast Sunday morning
A D-Unit t-shirt (required to be worn at the event)
And helps with the cost of gas and tolls
The Schedule
5:30am Saturday morning: The D-Unit will meet at the church then depart from there. We hold a brief safety/informational meeting and have a prayer circle prior to departing – parents/guardians are required to attend this meeting.
- 9:15am: The D-Unit arrives in the park and disperses to enjoy the day at Islands of Adventure. (Meals throughout the day are NOT covered by the event fee so youth should plan accordingly)
- 4:30pm: The D-Unit transfers to Universal Studios and disperses to enjoy their evening. Youth are free to select their own groups (they are required to travel in groups of 3 or more) and photo check-ins are required every 2 hours throughout the night – this is STRICTLY enforced.
- 1:30am: We depart from Universal Studios and head to our hotel. Youth are invited for an optional late night snack in one of the rooms and then it’s lights out.
- 8:00am: Youth are required to wake-up, pack, and eat breakfast (at the hotel) before departing.
- 9:30am: The D-unit departs for home.
- We will return home on Sunday afternoon around approximately 1:30pm.
To visit Universal’s RTU event information page click here.
Be sure to follow our event page on Facebook for the most accurate information and updates!